ARToy(M) Sliding Deer

The perfect model kit for that?hard to buy for? person in your life ? or something a little bit different for an adult model maker. ?Automaton? can be described as a self-operating machine. Automata have been around for centuries, delighting, humouring and mystifying on-lookers with their lifelike actions. Assemble all the precision-cut pieces by following the carefully drawn instructions sheet. No tools or glue needed. Turn the handle and see your work of art come to life!


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The perfect model kit for that?hard to buy for? person in your life ? or something a little bit different for an adult model maker. ?Automaton? can be described as a self-operating machine. Automata have been around for centuries, delighting, humouring and mystifying on-lookers with their lifelike actions. Assemble all the precision-cut pieces by following the carefully drawn instructions sheet. No tools or glue needed. Turn the handle and see your work of art come to life!